No trackage exists on this line.
Mile 0.0 (Jct. with Montrose Subdivision) : Stauth Road, Welland : Mile 0.0 is located at a manual switch off of the CP Montrose Subdivision at Brookfield.
Mile 0.21 : Netherby Road, Welland : At mile 0.21 is Netherby Road. This is not the Netherby Road that the CN Stamford crosses at mile 16.35.
There are two Netherby Roads. The old one is the CN crossing one, the new one begins east of where the old one connects to Townline Road East, which is on the east side of the Welland Canal.
Mile 1.0 : Strawn Road, Welland : This is Strawn Road. Strawn Road is just a back road which runs between old Netherby Road and Ridge Road. You no longer can take photos of the local CP Welland yard Job here. The line is now abandoned. I didn't mention above, but at about mile 0.45 is Miller Road (Doan's Ridge Road, which it turns into).
Mile 1.38 (Netherby) : Ridge Road & Netherby Road, Welland : This is the diamond where the CP Welland Tube Lead used to cross the CN Stamford Subdivision. Trains used to call the CN Toronto NI dispatcher to get written permission to cross the diamond. A few times I have seen the CP job have to wait for a CN train to cross first.
Mile 1.5 : Hwy 140, Welland : This is Hwy 140. The CN line also runs parallel to this line to the Welland Canal bypass to the west.
Only CN & CP were allowed to cross Hwy 140 for head room or for servicing both industries. Welland Pipe and Shaw Pipe, as I was told weren't allowed, but I have seen the Shaw Pip do it on occasion, but they can't help it due to the need to pull clear of the switches into their plant.
Mile 2.08 : Rusholme Road, Welland : Rusholme Road is here. What I commented on about at mile 0.85 of the CN line applies here, as they run side by side.
Mile 2.4 : End Of Steel : This is the end of the CP line, which ends at a switch onto the CN line.
Note : I have placed this line under abandoned trackage as more than half of the line was torn out in the 2000's and is no longer used by CP or possibly maintained by CP. It is used for railcar storage by Martech, on Rusholme Road.
The CP Welland Tube Lead begins at a switch off of the CP Montrose Subdivision CP Brookfield and until September 2002, continued west across CN Netherby Diamond, located at mile 16.6 on the CN Stamford Subdivision. The line then continued across Hwy 140 and first comes upon Shaw Pipe and then Welland Pipe, further up the line beside the Welland Canal.
Mentioned already, the old line, which used to occupy this area, CP used the south track and CN used the north track. Once west of Hwy 140 CN & CP use each others' line to get around cars left in 'pockets' between switches.
Both CP's and CN's tracks pass by the two industries following the same line as it did previous to 1971, but now ending at the Welland Canal bypass, joining the CN line.
When CP wished to cross over CN Netherby Diamond before September 2002, they do not have clearance to do so until they call the CN NI dispatcher in Toronto. They had to wait at signal 21E on the CP Welland Tube Lead until the CN Stamford Subdivision has been given an interlocking stop signal on both sides of CN Netherby Diamond. CN doesn't required any signals to go onto the CN Welland Tube Lead, because the CN Welland Tube Lead is off of the ladder track of Southern end of Southern Yard, which is inside of the bolt lock.
Until the early 1980's that 21E signal used to turn yellow, after the clearance was given. But since the mid 1980s, it was permanently red until the diamond was removed in May 2003. There is also another red dwarf signal on the west side of the diamond. It was also on CP trackage, about halfway between the Diamond and Hwy 140, facing east. It was marked as 22E.
Service to Shaw Pipe and Welland Pipe used to be once a week around 5-8pm, but now it received no service because Welland Pipe is closed.
I can remember the first time I saw a CP train on the CP Welland Tube Lead. It was back in February of 1997. My friend and I were driving over the CN Stamford Subdivision at Netherby Road on the first road south of the Diamond. We wanted to check the Interlocking signal status on the south side of the CN Netherby Diamond to the north and the Interlocking signal at Yager to the south.
Whenever Conrail, in the past years CP until the Diamond was taken out of service, Conrail or CP had to walk from the red signal on either side of the diamond, then call the CN RTC. It was the NI distatcher at the time in the 1980's, 1990's and 2000's at the time and they requested to cross the diamond at Netherby. CN would give then a written OCS with permission, then the employ would be authorize to knife the crossing, which forced the CN Stamford Signals at CN Netherby Diamond to turn red. The train would wait 5 minutes, then head across the diamond.
On the return trip across the diamond to go back to Welland yard, they would have to repeat the same process.
Across the Diamond, we saw flatcars. We had to think for a minute to figure out what was going on.
On May 23, 2002 the diamond was removed across the CN Stamford Subdivision resulting in access to Welland and Shaw pipe cut.
On September 10, 2002 the crossing at mile 0.2 (Netherby Road) was removed.
In early April 2003, the Welland Tribune had an article regarding the closure of the Welland Pipe.
Though CP had been since December 2001 using the CN Welland Tube Spur to access the 2 industries, the CP Welland Tube Lead was used to store unused cars, then in September 2003, the crossing at Netherby Road was torn out.
The trackage of the CP Welland Tube Lead was ripped up west of Townline Road to Netherby (Diamond) in July 2003. Then sometime in in 2010, 2011 or early 2012, the CP Welland Tube Lead was torn out westward from what was now CN Netherby, to the west side of Hwy 140.
The trackage east of old CN Netherby Diamond was not torn out because it was owned by Stelco. Now that ITS Rail operates on the line, I do not know who actually owns the line. I have witnessed ITS Rail testing locomotives on this line between Rusholme Road and Hwy 140. ITS Rail likes to keep their new locomotives out of the eye of the public when testing as I have witnessed.
With this trackage being part of the former Michigan Central, NYC, Penn Central Fort Erie Branch, this mainline was obvious cut off from anymore main line traffic going through to or from downtown Welland. After the Welland Canal bypass was opened, this former eastbound track was tied into the westbound main track just short of the Welland Canal. The end of track can be seen from the Canal Road, looking east.
122 photos in gallery
Mile -0.30 Looking Southwest (1998) |
Mile -0.30 Looking Southwest (1998) |
Mile -0.30 Looking Southwest (2000) |
Mile -0.30 Looking Southwest (2000) |
Mile -0.30 Looking Southwest (2008) |
Mile -0.25 Looking Northeast (1998) |
Mile -0.15 Looking East (1996) |
Mile -0.10 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking East (2001) |
Mile 0.00 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.03 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.03 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.05 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 0.05 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.05 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 0.05 Looking West (2004) |
Mile 0.05 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.08 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.08 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.10 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.15 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.15 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Northwest (1997) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Northwest (2000) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Northwest (2003) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (1997) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2000) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2001) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2002) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2002) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2003) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2008) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.21 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.45 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 0.45 Looking Southeast (1996) |
Mile 0.45 Looking Southeast (1998) |
Mile 0.45 Looking Southeast (2003) |
Mile 0.45 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (2001) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.45 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.50 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 0.80 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2002) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2000) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking South (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (1998) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (1999) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2000) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 1.15 Looking West (1992) |
Mile 1.15 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 1.20 Looking East (1999) |
Mile 1.20 Looking West (1992) |
Mile 1.20 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 1.20 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 1.30 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 1.38 Looking East (2002) |
Mile 1.38 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 1.38 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 1.38 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 1.38 Looking West (2000) |
Mile 1.38 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.38 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 1.40 Looking East (1992) |
Mile 1.40 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 1.65 Looking North (2003) |
Mile 1.65 Looking East (2000) |
Mile 1.65 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 1.65 Looking East (2010) |
Mile 1.65 Looking East (2010) |
Mile 1.65 Looking East (2012) |
Mile 1.65 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 1.65 Looking South (2003) |
Mile 1.65 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.65 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.65 Looking West (2010) |
Mile 1.65 Looking West (2010) |
Mile 1.65 Looking West (2012) |
Mile 1.65 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 2.05 Looking North (2003) |
Mile 2.05 Looking East (1999) |
Mile 2.05 Looking East (2000) |
Mile 2.05 Looking East (2002) |
Mile 2.05 Looking East (2010) |
Mile 2.05 Looking South (1996) |
Mile 2.05 Looking South (2010) |
Mile 2.05 Looking West (1999) |
Mile 2.05 Looking West (2000) |
Mile 2.05 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 2.05 Looking West (2004) |
Mile 2.05 Looking West (2010) |
Mile 2.40 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 2.40 Looking East (2012) |
Mile 2.40 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 2.40 Looking West (2012) |
Looking West (1992) |
This photo is of an old stone mile post from the old NYC main line, which later became the CP Welland Tube Lead.
1 photos in gallery
Mile 15.00 Looking Northeast (2003) |