CTC Territory - Signaled movement between Mile 0.3 and 31.6.
Mile 0.0 (Jct. with CSX Niagara Branch) : ?, Black Rock, USA : This location is the Jct. with CSX in Buffalo. CN and CP trains pass through here to and from Canada.
Mile 0.2 (Black Rock) : ?, Black Rock, USA : At mile 0.2 I believe is the Customs office for trains entering the U.S. They must clear customs (paperwork) prior to entering the United States.
Mile 0.3 (Harbour Draw) : ?, Black Rock, USA : Harbour Draw is located on the immediate U. S. side of the International bridge across the river from Fort Erie. I believe this is where the Erie Canal passes by. There is a swivel bridge there.
Mile 1.0 (Fort Erie) : Niagara Blvd, Fort Erie : CN Fort Erie is the location of the old B1 office which used to be located just west of the International bridge on the north side of the tracks. The building is now located at the Fort Erie Railway Museum on Central Avenue. Mile 1.0 is also a great place to take pictures on the south side of the tracks of CN and CP trains coming and going across the International bridge.
Mile 2.0 (Fort Erie Yard) : Dunlop Street, Fort Erie : This is where the heart of CN operation in Fort Erie was once located. There are buildings still located here. There are a few employees working out of the Fort Erie office supposedly as there are a few yardmasters here helping trains do their work an co-ordinate they traffic. In November 2004, CN returned to using the yard on a daily use with regular set-offs and pickups.
Mile 3.1 (Duff) : West end of yard : Duff is located at mile 3.1 of the CN Stamford Subdivision. This is the west end of CN Fort Erie yard. On a regular basis, trains CN trains depart/terminate here in the yard. CP passes by the yard to and from Buffalo. This yard is not mentioned in the CN Timetable. You can take pictures of trains from the clearing on the hill just east of Duff.
Mile 8.7 (Stevensville) : Ott Road, Stevensville : Stevensville is located here. There isn't much to see here, other than watching trains at Stevensville Road. There have been times when I have looked to the west, waiting for a train and left. Moments later the train goes through towards Buffalo. There is a dip in the track towards Ott Road.
Mile 10.9 (Robbins East) : Burger Road, Niagara Falls : This is CN Robbins East. There are interlocking signals on both sides of the crossing. This isn't a great place to watch trains. Most of the trains doesn't stop here unless there is a meet planned and they park their train too far west of the crossing. The trees are a problem trying to get any decent shots right at the crossing.
Mile 12.5 (Robbins) : Neff Road, Port Colborne : Robbins is the Jct. with the former CN Cayuga Subdivision at mile 12.0 The reason the CN Cayuga Subdivision begins at mile 12.0 is that the present Stamford Subdivision to Fort Erie was once the CN Cayuga Subdivision before the Welland Canal Relocation project prior to 1971. You can see CP trains and CN 565, 562 and 563 use the old CN Cayuga Subdivision which is now the CP Hamilton Subdivision. The former CN Cayuga Subdivision at mile 12 used to be double track. Only the siding exists to where the old CN S & C building used to be, then the mainline continues west. CN Robbins is a better place to see trains along the line. You get to see CP come and go to and from CN.
Mile 13.5 (Robbins West) : Troup Road, Port Colborne : Robbins West is the Jct. of the old CN Cayuga Subdivision connecting track of the wye. This part of the wye is only single track. CN and CP local switchers take the connecting track of wye, as it heads west on the former CN Cayuga Subdivision to interchange with Trillium at Feeder yard on Trillium's Feeder Spur. CP local switchers as mentioned use this part of the wye to gain access to the CN Stamford Subdivision to interchange cars at CN Southern yard at mile 16.6, east of Welland.
Mile 14.8 (Yager East) : White Road, Port Colborne : Yager East was once located here. There was once the connecting track of the CN Humberstone Subdivision. The connecting track hadn't been used for over 15 years, so CN removed it from service and removed the switch in March of 1997. This isn't such a great place for taking pictures of trains westbound. It is ok for Buffalo bound trains. These days the CN Yager East station name sign is gone and the location has been removed from the timetable.
Mile 16.1 (Yager) : Yager Road, Welland : Yager is the Jct. with the INCO Humberstone Spur. This is a good place to watch trains, as you can watch the CN Stamford and CP Hamilton Subdivisions. You have to do a minute of walking though, because you can't trespass on CN property to see the Subdivisions. I like to be on the east side of the CN Stamford Subdivision on the south side of the cut. It's a great place to take of westbound trains coming from Fort Erie. The train wraps around the bend after crossing Miller Road behind the bushes. You can catch the CP trains down below as they come and go through the Townline Tunnel.
Mile 16.6 & 17.0 (Netherby & Southern Yard) : Netherby Road and Ridge Road, Welland : Netherby Diamond was once located here. This was the Diamond of the CN Stamford Subdivision and the CP Welland Tube Lead. The CN Welland Tube Spur runs off of the east yard lead of CN Southern yard. CN Southern yard is a small yard which used to be used to store cars for Shaw Pipe Protection and Welland Pipe. Since late 2001, CP comes here several times a week to interchange cars with CN. Bck when the diamond used to exist, CN NI used to give CP trains a written clearance to cross over the diamond. I used to like watching trains here a lot. The best place to wait for trains here is to wait at the Netherby Road crossing. You can see two interlocking signals. One to the north and the other to the south. The eastbound signal is located at CN Yager, and the westbound signal is located just south of the former CN Netherby (Diamond). Netherby Road is not a great place these days to see trains due to overgrown trees and brush.
Mile 19.9 (Cambridge) : Young Road, Welland : Cambridge is where the eastern most end of the Cambridge running track. The Cambridge running track is the extention of the service track at CN Port Robinson yard. There is a side road next to CN Cambridge (Young Road), I thing it is called Cambridge, as the road used to be known years before as Cambridge road before the end of the 1960 and the WCRP. CN Cambridge, like the rest of the Subdivision, is also CTC. You can catch eastbound trains here, passing the interlocking signals, though it isn't the best place. Carl Road to the north is much better as it doesn't seen so tight to photograph.
Mile 21.9 (Port Robinson East) : Canby Street, Port Robinson : Mile 21.9 is where the old CN Port Robinson offices were/are (once) located. In 1996, CN closed the Car control office. The office closed April 7, 1996. Car control was moved to Toronto. This yard is used these days for storing cars for the industries in the immediate area, possibly including Niagara Falls. Since CN switched a lot of their switching operations over to Fort Erie traffic has changed somewhat here, though there are a few mainline trains that do stop and pickup or set off cars before continuing on.
Mile 23.1 (Port Robinson) : Port Robinson yard, Port Robinson : This is the beginning of the south leg of the wye at Port Robinson. Almost all trains use this leg of the wye. The north leg of the wye doesn't see much traffic except my maybe a local, possibly so that they can back into Port Robinson yard or head directly to Allanburg. There was once a trainmaster's building here until mid 1993, when it was torn down. This is a great place to see trains, but don't trespass on CN property!
Mile 23.9 (Port Robinson West) : Allanport Road, Thorold : CN Port Robinson West is located west of Allanport Road. This is where the CN Thorold Subdivision connecting track connects to the CN Stamford Subdivision.
Mile 29.0 (Stamford) : Dorchester Road, Niagara Falls : CN Stamford used to be located at Dorchester Road in Niagara Falls, until it was removed from the CN TT. I have occasionally stopped to watch trains here. The angle for taking picture here 'sucks'. Too many businesses along the tracks.
Mile 31.6 (Clifton) : Church's Lane, Niagara Falls : The general area of Clifton is a good place to take pictures but once the afternoon comes, the sun is on the wrong side of the tracks. The west leg of the wye is the best place to catch trains; standing beside the CN Grimsby Subdivision at mile 2.8. You get nice pictures of eastbound trains passing under the Portage Road bridge. You can at the same location, see westbound trains come across Stanley Avenue and the west leg of the wye.
After the Welland Canal Relocation Project was completed by the early 1970's, the CN Stamford Subdivision was made up of the remains of the old CN Cayuga Subdivision between CN Yager East to Black Rock. Northward, the line was built from just west of White Road at CN Yager East to the area just south of Port Robinson known as the Aqueduct, where it joined onto the old CN Welland Subdivision which came from downtown Welland where the TR Canal Spur operates. The new portion ended and joined the CN Welland Subdivision's old trackage just south of Canby Street in Port Robinson on the bend.
From Port Robinson, the new fully named Stamford Subdivision then continued up to the CN Grimsby Subdivision to Clifton on the old trackage of the old CN Welland Subdivision.
To this day, you can see where the CN Welland Subdivision was at Port Robinson. There is a creek that the old CN Welland Subdivision crossed. The bridge was removed and all that remains of the structure
are the supports made of concrete and steel. You may not even noticed it in the bush unless you were looking for it. There is even an old roadbed which is very easily noticeable south of the creek.
Originally, at CN Clifton there was only an east leg of the wye. There was no west leg in which trains ran from Clifton South to mile 2.8 on the CN Grimsby Subdivision. This wye wasn't a full wye until the early 1970's after the Welland Canal Relocation Project. Trains heads from Buffalo towards Hamilton used the CN Thorold Subdivision, passing through downtown Welland.
The CN Thorold Subdivision had a westward connection to the CN Grimsby Subdivision at CN Merritton. That is how trains operated between Toronto and Buffalo.
Only freight trains operate on the CN Stamford Subdivision, except at Clifton, where VIA trains use the wye to turn the train around. There are no VIA or AMTRAK operations on the CN Stamford Subdivision because passenger trains cross at Niagara Falls using the CN Grimsby Subdivision.
The CN Stamford Subdivision has both switchers and mainline trains. The duties of the switchers has changed over the years along with the businesses along the line. Welland Pipe (Stelco) and Shaw Pipe Protection both shut down around 2002/2003 and located off the CN Stamford Subdivision on the CN Welland Pipe Spur. I am not sure is Burnwell Gas near Stevensville still has rail service. ITS Rail became a CN customer in 2006, originating first on Trillium's Lakeshore Spur in St. Catharines, but relocating to the Shaw Pipe Protection building in 2006, but briefly in the Welland Pipe plant.
CN still has a few industries on the CN Stamford Subdivision at Port Robinson. One is the former Ennis Steel. I believe the name has somewhat been changed slightly. The others are via the the CN Chemical Lead to Oxy Vinyls and PolyOne.
A CN local heads onto CP's Hamilton Subdivision to mile 19 and partially uses Brookfield Siding to access Trillium's Feeder yard via Trillium's Feeder Spur. This happens only a few times per week.
CP Welland yard Job 1, as of December 2001 began interchange duties with CN at CN Southern yard on the CN Stamford Subdivision after interchanging at Niagara Falls with CN for many years. They now access the CN Stamford Subdivision via the west connecting track at CN/CP Brookfield East which takes them to CN Robbins West on the CN Stamford Subdivision.
CN mainline freights (except CN 330 and 331 which start or terminate at Fort Erie yard) operate the entire length of the CN Stamford Subdivision as well as CP mainline freights between Buffalo and CN Robbins, which is about 3 miles or so west of Stevensville. They cross the border at the International bridge at Fort Erie and connect to CSX trackage.
CN look over the former CP Fort Erie Subdivision at Fort Erie and reopened it to originally use it to send CN and CP trains down the line now know as Track 99 between CN Duff and the International bridge. NS 369 would regularly use track 99 often to drop off the interchange cars for CN, then pull out at CN Duff and run around the train to the International bridge and back into their lift. Sometimes NS would pull right up into CN Fort Erie yard. The majority of the time in the morning, if there were no cars on track 99, then that meant NS 369 hadn't arrived.
In July 2002, the westbound and eastbound signals located at CN Yager East were removed from service because they had not serviced any use since 1997. These signals once protected the Jct. to the CN Humberstone Connecting Track.
On December 30, 2006, NS 328 headed for Buffalo, NY. for the last time with two light units. Since late 1995 or early 1996, NS ran the CN Stamford Subdivision, operating NS 327 and 328. The contract to service the Ford plant in Talbotville ended. After about 107 or so years of Wabash, N & W and NS activity in the St. Thomas area, NS ceased to exist in Canada, except for NS 369, which still interchanges with CN at Fort Erie on the CN Stamford Subdivision.
Bringing up a topic of the yards within this line you have the CN Fort Erie yard which is located between the Central Avenue bridge and CN Duff in Fort Erie and CN Port Robinson yard at Port Robinson, located between Canby Street to the south and Barron Road to the north. CN Fort Erie yard since roughly the end of 2001 became very active, taking away a good portion of activity at CN Niagara Falls yard in Niagara Falls on the CN Grimsby Subdivision.
All mainline trains either leave or take the CN Grimsby Subdivision when in Niagara Falls.
It's been a while since I've updated this page on train operations. I haven't been trackside to actually see trains much, but know that these days there are 2 local 500 series trains that operate between Port Robinson yard and Buffalo, returning to Port Robinson yard after dark. The 2 CN trains head out sometime after mid afternoon.
I've been told that the NS train from I believe Bison or Tifft yard in Buffalo comes into Fort Erie after 4pm to interchange with CN, then returns back to the U.S. a few hours later.
CP uses the Stamford Subdivision from CN Robbins (via the Robbins connecting tracks (also to CP Robbins West to interchange with CN at Southern yard).... and eastward pertaining from CN Robbins to BlackRock, via the International bridge at Fort Erie.
In relation to CN moving most of the freight on their own trains, this is usually done from early to mid afternoon at the latest, with CN 421 and CN 422.
While ago CN 330 and 331 that ran between Sarnia and Port Robinson was cancelled. I've been told that CN has a few 100 series trains that run the entire Stamford Subdivision. I have not been able to see them. I don't know how often they operate.
863 photos in gallery
Select a mileage to display
| 0 - 3 | 3 - 6 | 6 - 9 | 9 - 12 | 12 - 15 | 15 - 18 | 18 - 21 | 21 - 24 | 24 - 27 | 27 - 30 | 30 - 32 |
Mile 0.05 Looking North (2001) |
Mile 0.30 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 0.30 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 0.30 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 0.30 Looking Northwest (2004) |
Mile 0.30 Looking North (1998) |
Mile 0.30 Looking Southeast (2004) |
Mile 0.30 Looking Southeast (2012) |
Mile 0.40 Looking Northwest (2004) |
Mile 0.40 Looking Southeast (2001) |
Mile 0.40 Looking Southeast (2004) |
Mile 0.45 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 0.50 Looking Northwest (2004) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northeast (2004) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northeast (2012) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northeast (2015) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Northeast (2012) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Northeast (2018) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2009) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2012) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2019) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2016) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2018) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2006) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2011) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2012) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2017) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northeast (2017) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (1994) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking East (2016) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (1994) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (1995) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2004) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2006) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 1.00 Looking South (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking South (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southwest (2006) |
Mile 1.00 Looking West (2016) |
Mile 1.05 Looking North (2014) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Northeast (2006) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Northeast (2006) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Northeast (2010) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Northeast (2012) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Northeast (2013) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Southwest (2012) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 1.05 Looking Southwest (2014) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northwest (1997) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northwest (2004) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northeast (1984) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northeast (1997) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northeast (2002) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Northeast (2002) |
Mile 1.20 Looking Southwest (2002) |
Mile 1.30 Looking Northwest (2009) |
Mile 1.55 Looking Northwest (2007) |
Mile 1.55 Looking Southeast (2007) |
Mile 2.10 Looking Northwest (1998) |
Mile 2.10 Looking Northwest (2016) |
Mile 2.10 Looking Southeast (2016) |
Mile 2.10 Looking Southeast (2018) |
Mile 2.36 Looking North (1997) |
Mile 2.36 Looking North (2004) |
Mile 2.36 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 2.36 Looking South (2004) |
Mile 2.90 Looking Northwest (1998) |
Mile 2.92 Looking Northwest (2016) |
Mile 2.92 Looking Northwest (2016) |
Select a mileage to display
| 0 - 3 | 3 - 6 | 6 - 9 | 9 - 12 | 12 - 15 | 15 - 18 | 18 - 21 | 21 - 24 | 24 - 27 | 27 - 30 | 30 - 32 |
These photos are of the west leg at Clifton that leads over towards Stanley Avenue.
39 photos in gallery
Mile 31.35 Looking Northeast (1997) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Northeast (1998) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Northeast (2003) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Northeast (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Northeast (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southeast (1997) |
Mile 31.35 Looking South (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking South (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (1997) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2005) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.35 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.40 Looking Northeast (2011) |
Mile 31.40 Looking Southwest (2014) |
Mile 31.40 Looking Southwest (2014) |
Mile 31.40 Looking Southwest (2014) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2003) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2005) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2005) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2012) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2012) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2013) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2013) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2003) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2003) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2011) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2012) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2012) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2012) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 31.52 Looking Southwest (2014) |
These photos are of the east leg at Clifton that leads over towards Niagara Falls yard.
14 photos in gallery
Mile 0.00 Looking Southeast (2003) |
Looking Northwest (1998) |
Looking Northwest (2006) |
Looking Northwest (2006) |
Looking Northwest (2006) |
Looking Northwest (2013) |
Looking Northwest (2013) |
Looking Northwest (2013) |
Looking Northwest (2013) |
Looking Southeast (1998) |
Looking Southeast (2013) |
Looking Southeast (2013) |
Looking Southeast (2013) |
Looking Southeast (2013) |
These photos are of the old CP Fort Erie Subdivision, which is now called Track 99.
21 photos in gallery
Mile 0.00 Looking East (2006) |
Mile 0.25 Looking East (2001) |
Mile 0.25 Looking East (2001) |
Mile 0.25 Looking West (2001) |
Mile 0.26 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Northwest (2007) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Southeast (2007) |
Mile 1.36 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 1.36 Looking Southeast (2001) |
Mile 1.38 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 1.38 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 1.38 Looking North (2016) |
Mile 1.38 Looking South (2014) |
Mile 1.90 Looking Northwest (2001) |
Mile 1.90 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 1.90 Looking Northeast (2007) |
Mile 1.90 Looking Northeast (2007) |
Mile 1.90 Looking Northeast (2014) |
Mile 1.91 Looking South (2013) |
Mile 1.91 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 1.91 Looking Southwest (2013) |
These photos are of CN Southern yard, located east of Welland, on the CN Stamford Subdivision.
8 photos in gallery
Looking North (2013) |
Looking Northeast (1998) |
Looking South (1992) |
Looking South (2004) |
Looking South (2012) |
Looking South (2013) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
These photos are of Mr. Southern, who CN Southern yard was named after.
2 photos in gallery
Looking South |
These photos are of west leg of the CN Stamford Subdivision, connecting CN Stamford Subdivision to the CP Hamilton Subdivision (Former Cayuga Subdivision).
25 photos in gallery
Mile 0.00 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 0.20 Looking Southwest (1997) |
Mile 0.20 Looking Southwest (1997) |
Mile 0.20 Looking Southwest (1998) |
Mile 0.25 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.25 Looking North (1998) |
Mile 0.25 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 0.25 Looking North (2019) |
Mile 0.25 Looking East (2008) |
Mile 0.25 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.25 Looking East (2014) |
Mile 0.25 Looking East (2014) |
Mile 0.25 Looking Southwest (2013) |
Mile 0.25 Looking West (2008) |
Mile 0.25 Looking West (2016) |
Mile 0.45 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 0.45 Looking South (2013) |
Mile 0.50 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.50 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northwest (1998) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northwest (2003) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northwest (2004) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northwest (2005) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.60 Looking Southeast (2005) |
These photos are of the present CN Robbins Connecting Track (East Leg), and the former CN Cayuga Subdivison.
39 photos in gallery
Mile 0.00 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 0.00 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (2014) |
Mile 0.10 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.10 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.35 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.35 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.55 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2002) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2003) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2006) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 0.62 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.62 Looking East (2013) |
Mile 0.62 Looking East (2014) |
Mile 0.62 Looking East (2014) |
Mile 0.62 Looking East (2014) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Southeast (2002) |
Mile 0.62 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 0.62 Looking West (2004) |
Mile 0.62 Looking West (2013) |
Mile 0.62 Looking West (2016) |
Mile 0.70 Looking Northwest (2003) |
Mile 0.80 Looking Northwest (2014) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northwest (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Northwest (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking North (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2003) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2013) |
Mile 1.00 Looking Southeast (2013) |
These photos are of the former CN Humberstone Subdivision connecting track and once part of the original CN Cayuga Subdivision, prior to 1967.
24 photos in gallery
Mile 0.00 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 0.00 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 0.15 Looking East (1996) |
Mile 0.15 Looking East (1997) |
Mile 0.15 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 0.15 Looking East (2002) |
Mile 0.15 Looking East (2002) |
Mile 0.30 Looking East (1996) |
Mile 0.30 Looking East (1996) |
Mile 0.30 Looking East (1997) |
Mile 0.30 Looking East (2004) |
Mile 0.30 Looking East (2004) |
Mile 0.30 Looking East (2008) |
Mile 0.30 Looking West (1997) |
Mile 0.30 Looking West (2004) |
Mile 0.30 Looking West (2004) |
Mile 0.30 Looking West (2008) |
Mile 0.54 Looking West (1996) |
Mile 0.84 Looking East (1997) |
Mile 0.84 Looking East (2002) |
Mile 0.84 Looking East (2003) |
Mile 0.84 Looking West (2002) |
Mile 0.84 Looking West (2003) |
Mile 1.21 Looking East (1997) |
These photos are of CN Port Robinson yard on the CN Stamford Subdivision.
3 photos in gallery
Looking Northeast (1996) |
Looking Northeast (2014) |
Looking Southwest (1996) |
These photos are of the Ennis Steel plant located at Port Robinson.
2 photos in gallery
Looking Northwest (1996) |
Looking West (1996) |
These photos are trackage of what used to be the CN Welland Subdivision from Niagara Falls into Dain City, via the Canal Spur trackage these days. Photos are taken in the bush, just north of the Auqaduct at Port Robinson.
88 photos in gallery
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (1996) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (1996) |
Looking South (1996) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (1996) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2011) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking South (2011) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking North (2011) |
Looking East (2011) |
Looking North (1996) |
Looking North (1996) |
Looking Northwest (2014) |
Looking Northwest (2014) |
Looking Northwest (2014) |
Looking Northwest (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking North (2014) |
Looking Southeast (2014) |
Looking Southeast (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking Southwest (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking West (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (1996) |
These photos are of the old trackage at Stanley Avenue that servered the old Cyanamid plant on the east side of Stanley Avenue, above Niagara Falls yard.
4 photos in gallery
Looking West (1998) |
Looking East (1998) |
Looking West (2000) |
Looking East (2000) |
These photos are of CN Southern yard, east of Welland.
8 photos in gallery
Looking North (2013) |
Looking Northeast (1998) |
Looking South (1992) |
Looking South (2004) |
Looking South (2012) |
Looking South (2013) |
Looking South (2014) |
Looking South (2014) |
These are photos of the siding next to Garner Road in Niagara Falls next to what was nicknamed the 'sugar shack', by crews.
2 photos in gallery
Looking South (2013) |
Looking South (2013) |