Diesel Locomotives
Diesel Locomotives

               Roster count: 47490     Roster photos: 22487     Additional photos: 892

May 2021: I have received the 2021 CTG, but am not sure when I will get to going through it for additions and deletions.

June 2020: Site Updates are current to the 2020 CTG.

I have found some information that I haven't been able to properly verify. It is the ALCO/MLW C- and M- series conflicting model names. I have filled in and corrected a lot of material on this page. From missing locomotive statuses to incorrect builder information.

Information for the www.NiagaraRails.com Diesel Roster Guide
distributed with permission from the editor of Canadian Trackside Guide ©.

--- Select a locomotive series on the left ---
Note: To expand a 'parent' menu heading, you can either click on the + icon to the left of the 'parent' menu heading name, or click on the 'parent' menu heading name itself.

To unexpand the 'parent' menu heading, you must click on the - to the left of the 'parent' menu heading name.

Note: I have added an option to add a second photo of a roster unit, IF the loco has a different paint scheme.
Please pass it along and I will gladly add it to the site!
To contribute locomotive photos to this site: