Present timetable listing for this line:
Nanticoke | 0.0 |
Garnet | 4.7 |
Hagersville | 9.0 |
Caledonia | 18.7 |
Onondaga | 27.3 |
Simpson (Jct. with CN Dundas Subdivision) | 35.1 |
Traffic movement on this line:
OCS Territory
No trackage exists between Caledonia and Hamilton.
Points of interest along this line:
Mile 0.0 (Nanticoke) : Nanticoke is located at Mile 0.0 as the mileage was reversed since CN renamed the only existing part of the old Dunnville Subdivision to the SOR Hagersville Subdivision. At Nanticoke, there is a power plant, Stelco and also a large refinery.
Mile 4.4 (Ex-Cayuga Subdivision Crossing) : This is the diamond of the old CN Cayuga Subdivision and the SOR Hagersville Subdivision. To the east of the diamond, trackage no longer exists on the CN Cayuga Subdivision, but the connecting track still exists, plus part of the CN Cayuga Subdivision to the west, as far as Regional Road 55.
Southern Ontario Railway uses this trackage for rail car storage.
Mile 4.7 (Garnet) : Concession 9-8, Nanticoke : At Garnet, there is a building and a small yard just to the north of the side road which is north of the old CN Cayuga Subdivision Diamond.
Mile 9.0 (Hagersville) : King Street, Hagersville : The CN Caso Subdivision diamond used to be located here until the CN Caso Subdivision was removed around 2004 or a year or so earlier.
Mile 18.7 (Caledonia) : Orkney Road, Caledonia : The SOR Hagersville Subdivision heads west from here towards Brantford. There is a small yard at Caledonia.
Mile 27.3 (Onondaga) : Painter Road, ?: This is Onondaga. There is a siding here, or atleast was, when I was last there. I don't know how long it is or how often it is/was used.
Mile 35.1 (Simpson) : Murray Street, Brantford : This is the Junction of the Southern Ontario Railway Hagersville Subdivision and the CN Dundas Subdivision, just east of the VIA Station in Brantford.
Operations on this line:
In the making, someday...
Pictorial view of this line:
135 photos in gallery
Select a mileage to display
| 0 - 5 | 5 - 10 | 10 - 15 | 15 - 20 | 20 - 25 | 25 - 30 | 30 - 35 | 35 - 36 |
Mile 0.10 Looking North (1998) |
Mile 0.10 Looking North (2004) |
Mile 0.10 Looking South (1998) |
Mile 0.10 Looking South (2004) |
Mile 0.87 Looking North (2004) |
Mile 0.87 Looking South (2004) |
Mile 1.74 Looking North (2004) |
Mile 1.74 Looking South (2004) |
Mile 2.61 Looking North (2004) |
Mile 2.61 Looking South (2004) |
Mile 3.48 Looking North (1997) |
Mile 3.48 Looking North (1998) |
Mile 3.48 Looking South (1995) |
Mile 3.48 Looking South (1997) |
Mile 3.48 Looking South (1998) |
Mile 4.00 Looking North (2007) |
Mile 4.00 Looking North (2007) |
Mile 4.00 Looking South (2007) |
Mile 4.00 Looking South (2007) |
Mile 4.12 Looking North (2007) |
Mile 4.12 Looking South (2002) |
Mile 4.12 Looking South (2007) |
Mile 4.36 Looking North (2002) |
Mile 4.36 Looking North (2007) |
Mile 4.36 Looking Southeast (1998) |
Mile 4.36 Looking South (1998) |
Mile 4.36 Looking South (2002) |
Mile 4.36 Looking South (2007) |
Mile 4.39 Looking North (2007) |
Select a mileage to display
| 0 - 5 | 5 - 10 | 10 - 15 | 15 - 20 | 20 - 25 | 25 - 30 | 30 - 35 | 35 - 36 |
These photos are of the SOR Stelco Lead at Nanticoke.
11 photos in gallery
Mile 0.01 Looking North (1998) |
Mile 0.01 Looking Southwest (1998) |
Mile 0.01 Looking Southwest (2004) |
Mile 0.97 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 0.97 Looking East (2004) |
Mile 0.97 Looking West (1998) |
Mile 0.97 Looking West (2004) |
Mile 2.00 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 2.00 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 2.00 Looking East (2004) |
Mile 2.00 Looking West (2004) |
These photos are of the fomrer trackage of the CN hagersville Subdivision when it wen onto into Hmailton. Photos taken between Caledonia and Hamilton.
35 photos in gallery
Mile 7.87 Looking North (1999) |
Mile 7.87 Looking South (1999) |
Mile 10.60 Looking North (1999) |
Mile 10.60 Looking South (1999) |
Mile 11.79 Looking North (1999) |
Mile 11.79 Looking South (1999) |
Mile 12.31 Looking North (1999) |
Mile 12.31 Looking South (1999) |
Mile 14.00 Looking North (1999) |
Mile 14.00 Looking South (1999) |
Mile 15.68 Looking North (1999) |
Mile 15.68 Looking South (1999) |
Mile 16.60 Looking North (1998) |
Mile 16.60 Looking South (1998) |
Mile 16.90 Looking North (2005) |
Mile 16.90 Looking North (2006) |
Mile 16.90 Looking North (2010) |
Mile 16.90 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 16.90 Looking East (2006) |
Mile 16.90 Looking South (2005) |
Mile 16.90 Looking South (2011) |
Mile 16.90 Looking West (1998) |
Mile 16.90 Looking West (2006) |
Mile 17.19 Looking North (2006) |
Mile 17.19 Looking South (2006) |
Mile 17.19 Looking South (2006) |
Mile 17.35 Looking East (1998) |
Mile 17.35 Looking West (1998) |
Mile 17.35 Looking West (1998) |
Mile 17.35 Looking West (2006) |
(1973) |
Looking North (1999) |
Looking South (1999) |
Looking West (2002) |
Looking East (2002) |
These photos are of the Lead into the plant behind the Caledonia station in Caledonia.
2 photos in gallery
Mile 17.19 Looking Northeast (2006) |
Mile 17.19 Looking Northeast (2006) |