Unknown Territory Control
No trackage exists between Guelph and Goderich.
Mile 16.4 (Guelph Jct.) :
Mile 20.2 (Moffat) :
Mile 22.9 (Moffat) :
Mile 27.1 (Arkell) :
Mile 31.6 (Guelph) :
Mile 34.9 (End Of Steel) :
In the making, someday...
This portion of the OSR operates as the Guelph Jct. Railway.
Several photos below are by Matt Makauskas and Steve Host.
Mileages between mile 35 and 118 are estimated within a 1/4 mile of the actual location. This is because I don't have a list of crossings.
A big thank you to Paul Tatham and David Graham for the names and mileages of the trackage between Guelph Jct. and the area of Guelph.
These photos are of the OSR Goderich Subdivision.
36 photos in gallery
These photos are of the old CP Goderich Subdivision.
95 photos in gallery
Select a mileage to display
| 35 - 40 | 40 - 45 | 45 - 50 | 50 - 55 | 55 - 60 | 60 - 65 | 65 - 70 | 70 - 75 | 75 - 80 | 80 - 85 | 85 - 90 | 90 - 95 | 95 - 100 | 100 - 105 | 105 - 110 | 110 - 112 |
Select a mileage to display
| 35 - 40 | 40 - 45 | 45 - 50 | 50 - 55 | 55 - 60 | 60 - 65 | 65 - 70 | 70 - 75 | 75 - 80 | 80 - 85 | 85 - 90 | 90 - 95 | 95 - 100 | 100 - 105 | 105 - 110 | 110 - 112 |
These photos were taken near Guelph.
5 photos in gallery
Looking Northwest (1999) |
Looking Northwest (1999) |
Looking Southeast (1999) |